Monday 19 April 2010

Soldiers in Silom

Silom Road 20 April
Red-shirt protesters promise another day of chaos in the capital today and the security forces are standing guard to protect Silom Road, thousands of troops have been deployed.
Today in Silom Road there are riot police and a lot of soldiers who have a variety of arms, some have rubber bullets and some have shields and batons and some have automatic weapons. Soldiers are everywhere, We have soldiers in our building, they have been sleeping here. Along the street razor wire has been set up in locations ready to block access when needed.
But the traffic is flowing freely down the middle of the road and there are people going about their normal business with stalls on the streets as usual. The shops are all open, there are some tourists taking photographs. The music in the background is being played by the soldiers ... to try and calm the atmosphere. Every now and then people bring up cold drinks or food to the soldiers and the police. Everybody is going about their normal daily lives but with a very significant military presence on the streets.
The Government is determined to stop the Red Shirts from moving into the Silom business area, We will see what happens today

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