Thursday 18 June 2009

Travel to Thailand on Tues 16 June

Thoughts on airports
Any place where a journey starts or finishes is exciting, train stations, bus stations can all be exciting, but airports are the most exciting, big with lots of activity due to the sheer numbers of people. Watching all the different people here in London Heathrow, there are many different reasons for being here, to arrive, to depart, to go to work, to go on holiday, to visit family or like me to leave forever. Not really forever but it sort of feels like that.
Terminal 5 (where the BA flight from Manchester lands is very big, light and airy, but it feels very British with British people everywhere. Terminal 3 is much more cosmopolitan, it is very unbeautiful but it reminds us that the world is a huge and very diverse place with all the different nationalities evident especially in this Terminal.
All the destinations, Nairobi, Tokyo, Barcelona, , HongKong, Bangkok, Bejing, You get the feeling that you are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, rather strange.

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