Wednesday 18 May 2016


With Aiden, Scott and Amelia at Awsome walls Stockport

Scott helping Amelia

Scott in action

Amelia looking

Amelia in action

 Aiden on the way up

 Aiden near the top

Aiden in action

I can still climb - just

Visiting Friends

Part 2 Visiting friends

Visiting Trev In Heptonstall

Visiting Steve, Kate, Will and Kitty in Cardiff

Roger and Janet

 Tony, Jean, Sylvia and Jim

Gavin and the van

Sal and Gavin in the garden

 Paul in the Lakes

Barrie in the Lakes

Old school friends, Steve Mullins, Eddie Needham, Jean David Glegg

Tour de Yorkshire Day 2

Tour de Yorkshire Day 2
We cycled past the the plant at Huddersfield, I designed in 1976 and started up in 1978 that is still going today

We cycled from Slaithwaite to Sherburn in Elmet and back to watch the TdY, here we are eating ouch near Sherburn

Tony Tours in Yorkshire

Tony Tours in UK

Part 1 Tour de Yorkshire 29 April to 1 May

Early morning snow in Greenfield


Watched the TdY in Settle on Friday 29 May


Photo0043 Jean and Tony in Settle

Photo 0040 near the finish, Thomas Volker wins