Friday 24 June 2016

My view of the Brexit Fiasco

My view of the Brexit Outcome
(with acknowledgment to The Guardian for the quotation)
“If we are victorious in one more battle … we shall be utterly ruined.” The Brexiters won the referendum but it is a pyrrhic victory, the nation has just shot itself in the foot.
We are at the beginning of the end of the UK, with a political and sickening lurch to the right.
Food and petrol will go up, taxes will likely go up, austerity will tighten and jobs will go down, recession will bite. International companies will want to relocate because of higher taxes and duties once we are outside the single market. We will be excluded from the TPIP negotiations.  International supply chains will miss out England altogether.
How can this happen.
The whole disreputable campaign was based upon multiple lies and led by a pro-European without any principle other than his own self preservation. The entire referendum campaign has been an internal Tory civil war and should never have been allowed to happen in this way.
The Labour Party is also in disarray, they ran a useless a pro-Remain campaign and not able to stop the Tories in their headlong charge to become a small insignificant island on the edge of a big continent. None of the parties could influence the Murdoch Press who lead the call for Out of the EU.
Cameron has gone and The New Masters are different from Cameron, they don’t like Europe  and have a reactionary view on social affairs.
Part of the problem is the terrible failure to deal with all the towns and estates left behind by an international economic order which has not treated them well. Sunderland, Tees-side, Doncaster, Wakefield and Hull have been abandoned for decades, by London far more than by Brussels. Given the chance to vent their rage at somebody, they have obliged.
Its sad that the UK’s young people  voted for an open tolerant UK in Europe while older  white voters mainly living in non-immigrant areas, betrayed them.
So we are out of the EU and Boris Johnson right now does not look like a man with a plan
It not looking good.

Monday 6 June 2016

Scotland Trip May 2016

Scotland Trip May 2016

Arran to Islay to Jura during the Whiskey festival

These photos are of my friend Akani and myself cycling around Arran then on the Islay and Jura during the last 10 days of May
Photos of our trip to Arran, Islay and Jura

Wednesday 18 May 2016


With Aiden, Scott and Amelia at Awsome walls Stockport

Scott helping Amelia

Scott in action

Amelia looking

Amelia in action

 Aiden on the way up

 Aiden near the top

Aiden in action

I can still climb - just

Visiting Friends

Part 2 Visiting friends

Visiting Trev In Heptonstall

Visiting Steve, Kate, Will and Kitty in Cardiff

Roger and Janet

 Tony, Jean, Sylvia and Jim

Gavin and the van

Sal and Gavin in the garden

 Paul in the Lakes

Barrie in the Lakes

Old school friends, Steve Mullins, Eddie Needham, Jean David Glegg

Tour de Yorkshire Day 2

Tour de Yorkshire Day 2
We cycled past the the plant at Huddersfield, I designed in 1976 and started up in 1978 that is still going today

We cycled from Slaithwaite to Sherburn in Elmet and back to watch the TdY, here we are eating ouch near Sherburn

Tony Tours in Yorkshire

Tony Tours in UK

Part 1 Tour de Yorkshire 29 April to 1 May

Early morning snow in Greenfield


Watched the TdY in Settle on Friday 29 May


Photo0043 Jean and Tony in Settle

Photo 0040 near the finish, Thomas Volker wins



Friday 11 March 2016

Myanmar Trip

See the photos from our Myanmar Trip in February

Follow this link

Yorkshire Man and Yorkshire Bike (Spar Cycles Harrogate)