Thursday 17 March 2011

The Fukushima Nuclear Plant Crisis

In all the publicity of the terrible earth quake and tsunami in Japan there is a huge amount of TV time devoted to the striken Fukushima Nuclear Plant. In China and Europe Governments are considering closing down existing nuclear plants until further studies show them to be safe.
Sadly many thousands have died in the Tsunami in Japan, but as yet no-one has died as a result of emissions from the Nuclear Plant.
Even though these reactors are 40 years old the safety engineering ( thick steel shield plus reinforced concrete shield) has done its job and has prevented major release of radiation into the surrounding area even with the biggest earthquake ever in Japan and the Tsunami that knocked out the standby generators. The effect here is much less than at Chernobyl in 1986.
The Chernobyl meltdown was hideous and traumatic. The plant there did not have the thick steel shield plus reinforced concrete shield. The official death toll so far appears to be 43 workers in the initial few months, then a further 15 civilians by 2005. Totally unacceptable, of course; but a tiny fraction of the deaths for which climate change is likely to be responsible, through its damage to the food supply, its contribution to the spread of infectious diseases and its degradation of the quality of life for many of the world's poorest people.
Coal is the primary driver of human-caused climate change. If its combustion is not curtailed, it could kill millions of times more people than nuclear power plants have done so far, see this:
Coal mining: Most deadly job in China
By Zhao Xiaohui & Jiang Xueli (Xinhua)
China produced 35 percent of the world's coal last year, but reported 80 percent of the total deaths in coal mine accidents, according to statistics with the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS). Coal mining has become the most deadly job in China. There is about one death every 7 days.

However people are very worried about radiation and this worry can feed on itself and the news people love this. Today a fake text message warning people that radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant has leaked beyond Japan has been panicking people across Asia including in here in Thailand. It is complete rubbish !!
BBC Flash news : Japan Government confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24, remain indoors first 24 hours. Close doors and windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precautions. Radiation may hit Philippine at around 4 pm today. If it rains today or in the next few days in Hong Kong. Do not go under the rain. If you get caught out, use an umbrella or raincoat, even if it is only a drizzle. Radioactive particles, which may cause burns, alopecia or even cancer, may be in the rain.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Visit to Hospital

Visit to Hospital: "Photos by Anthony Margetts, Mar 1, 2011 - I bought a new knife and managed to cut my arm then a quick trip on a motor bike taxi to Bangkok hospital nearby"