Tuesday 23 February 2010

Cycling to China - selected photos

  With my friends Nan and Bon by the Mekong River in Chiang Kong
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Cycling to China

Just back from a cycling trip through Laos and into China. You can see a few pictures on my web album at http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/tonymargetts/CyclingToChina#
We used a pickup truck to go from Pitsanulok north to Chiang Kong (near Chiang Rai). Chiang Kong is on the Mekong river and is the border with Laos. We crossed into Laos and took a bus From Huay Xai to Luang Nam Ta (this section of the road in Laos is under construction and not good for cycling. From Luang Nam Ta we cycled to Boten the border with China and crossed into China for 7 days. We reached Jing Hong City which is also on the banks of the Mekong. We returned by bus to Huay Xai, then back across the Mekong to Chiang Kong then back to Phitsanulok. We left on Sunday 14 Feb and arrived back on Tuesday 23 Feb. I will have more pictures when I can organise them. Best wishes to all my readers.

Friday 12 February 2010

Tony in Bangkok in February

I am now back in Thailand where the temperature is 30 to 35 degrees C. I have moved into a house in Bangkok, see the photos on my web album, you can also see my first cycle outing in Bangkok last Sunday on 7 February. see http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/tonymargetts/FebInBKK