Wednesday 26 August 2009


Apologies to my readers for the break in transmission, I was invited to give a workshop in Bangkok last week so have been busy with preparation and giving the workshop.
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Workshop in Bangkok

Apologies to my readers there has been a break in transmission, I have been busy preparing and giving a workshop in Bangkok on Regulations applied to Pharmaceutical Manufacture. This happened last week so have more time now.

Sunday 9 August 2009

My Tea Cup

This picture is for Sally who gave me my tea cup, I use it a lot
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Lancashire Tea

My great friend Dave Thomas gave me a box of tea bags for happy memories of homeland although my homeland is Yorkshire not Lancashire - however they were very good.
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Thursday 6 August 2009

Cycling in the evening

Cycled last night just before the rain started, I had to phone USA for an ISPE conference call and there was thunder and lightning all around, 1 hour on my thai moile cost about £2
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